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WCH Silver of Zydroji feja*LT


Date of birth 10.28.2015


Kitten Champion


Junior Champion


World Champion


Best young male cat LGAC 2016


Best in Breed Lithuania 2016

Best Kitten in breed Lithuania 2016


Best Junior in breed Lithuania 2016


Best adult male cat LGAC 2017


Best Adult in breed Lithuania 2017


Best in breed Lithuania 2017



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GECH Lovely of Zydroji feja*LT


Date of birth 12.02.2018


Kitten Champion


Grand European Champion


Best young male cat LGAC 2019


Best in Breed Lithuania 2019


Best Junior in breed Lithuania 2019


Best Adult in breed Lithuania 2019

Best adult male cat LGAC 2020



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CH Nelson Fluffy Dream


Date of birth 05.17.2023


Kitten Champion

Junior Champion





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